Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pixie Perennials

I have been getting out to show my work at various venues but it's been in secret because I just haven't been able to find the time to update my schedule page and blog. This will all change (hopefully) today. Above, is the "Evite" to a nice opportunity extended by my friend Sandi Blaze, in Wilton, CT. This past year, I have been raiding her gorgeous gardens at will, creating many new images, scanographs, scanography, scanner photography... what ever the name, I am incredibly honored by this collaboration.

Here are some snapshots of Sandi's gardens from June of last year:

On that snapshot day, I picked this basketful of goodness:

Here is a process shot from my studio:

Here are the resulting images:

1 comment:

  1. Ellen your work is just gorgeous-- thank you so much for sharing your beautiful images. what treasures they are.


Please leave your thoughts about my post here. Thanks, Ellen